JrCo 5.23 Rehearsal

Attire: dress code RED, high pony, no jewelry except studs, black jazz pants, bring all shoes. THIS IS OUR FINAL REHEARSAL BEFORE CONCERT!!!!! Be prepared to do final corrections and... Read more »

SrCo 5.30 Rehearsal

Dress code: TEAM colors w skin tone leo and skin tone tights under. No undergarments other than skin tone. ALL SHOES.  NO PC EARRINGS, no other jewelry. No perf makeup... Read more »

Dress Rehearsal #1

Pike Performing Arts Center (*NOT at Curtain Call) TBD, approx 4:15p - 9p with staggered departures. Detailed itinerary sent mid-May.

Dress Rehearsal #2

Pike Performing Arts Center (*NOT at Curtain Call) TBD, approx 9a-1p with staggered departures. Detailed itinerary sent mid-May.

PC 6.6 – Indians Game REH

Attire: dress code BLACK leo & jazz pants, any secured pony, no jewelry except studs At Curtain Call, learn all of new piece to be performed at Indianapolis Indians game on... Read more »

PC Performance: Indianapolis INDIANS

Attire: PC red leo/top, black jazz pants, black jazz shoes; center part low pony, SrCo- earrings, light performance make up, red lips, tatts covered, non traditional piercings replaced w clear/removed/not... Read more »