JrCo 4.4 Rehearsal

Attire: dress code RED, slick high pony, no jewelry except studs. Black jazz pants. Bring all shoes, water bottle. Priorities: Focusing on MEMORIZATION - MUSICALITY - TECHNIQUE. We will try to get a good practice video of Corn. Dancers might work in small groups to reinforce choreography and clean problem spots. Listening to music and... Read more »

SrCo 4.11 Rehearsal

Kings Island: all dancers and also additional attendees will need a ticket, please email your requested amount by April 18. Attire: dress code RED, slick low pony, no jewelry except studs. Tights for ballet, black jazz pants all other genre. Bring all shoes, water bottle. Priorities: Focusing on MEMORIZATION - MUSICALITY - TECHNIQUE All dances... Read more »

JrCo 4.11 Rehearsal

Attire: dress code RED, slick high pony, no jewelry except studs. Black jazz pants. Bring all shoes, water bottle. Priorities: Focusing on MEMORIZATION - MUSICALITY - TECHNIQUE. We will try to get a good practice video of Corn. Dancers might work in small groups to reinforce choreography and clean problem spots. Listening to music and... Read more »

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Parent Watch Week

Please join us the last 10min of every class to see what we've been working on!

SrCo 4.18 Rehearsal

*TONIGHT - a parent info meeting about DAC 8:00p for those who are new, interested in learning more about all that leads up to and happens during that weekend. Not required. Attire: dress code RED - hydrate! With FOURTEEN dances to rehearse, this is the time of year we sometimes stay until 9:15 to squeeze... Read more »

JrCo 4.18 Rehearsal

8p - MEETING TONIGHT, learn more about JrCo involvement in DAC. Attire: dress code RED Bring all shoes and be ready to be AWESOME!

DAC mtg 4.18-JrCo

8p - meeting with JrCo parents about Dance Against Cancer