SrCo 4.4 Rehearsal

Attire: Dress code RED, center part low bun, no jewelry except studs. Start making more effort towards dress code and preparedness. Tights for ballet, jazz pants for all other. Bring all shoes, water. *Review all dances before rehearsal; homework: list 3 things you have worked to improve on in each of your PC dances to... Read more »

JrCo 4.4 Rehearsal

Attire: dress code RED, slick high pony, no jewelry except studs. Black jazz pants. Bring all shoes, water bottle. Priorities: Focusing on MEMORIZATION - MUSICALITY - TECHNIQUE. We will try to get a good practice video of Corn. Dancers might work in small groups to reinforce choreography and clean problem spots. Listening to music and... Read more »

SrCo 4.11 Rehearsal

Kings Island: all dancers and also additional attendees will need a ticket, please email your requested amount by April 18. Attire: dress code RED, slick low pony, no jewelry except studs. Tights for ballet, black jazz pants all other genre. Bring all shoes, water bottle. Priorities: Focusing on MEMORIZATION - MUSICALITY - TECHNIQUE All dances... Read more »

JrCo 4.11 Rehearsal

Attire: dress code RED, slick high pony, no jewelry except studs. Black jazz pants. Bring all shoes, water bottle. Priorities: Focusing on MEMORIZATION - MUSICALITY - TECHNIQUE. We will try to get a good practice video of Corn. Dancers might work in small groups to reinforce choreography and clean problem spots. Listening to music and... Read more »

Lock IN

Parent Watch Week

Please join us the last 10min of every class to see what we've been working on!

SrCo 4.18 Rehearsal

*TONIGHT - a parent info meeting about DAC 8:00p for those who are new, interested in learning more about all that leads up to and happens during that weekend. Not required. Attire: dress code RED - hydrate! With FOURTEEN dances to rehearse, this is the time of year we sometimes stay until 9:15 to squeeze... Read more »

JrCo 4.18 Rehearsal

8p - MEETING TONIGHT, learn more about JrCo involvement in DAC. Attire: dress code RED Bring all shoes and be ready to be AWESOME!