SrCo 2.6 Rehearsal

Attire: dress code BLUE, tights for ballet/pnte, jz pants for all other genre. *Bring all shoes, any slick low pony, no jewelry except studs. *There will be hearts for you to write a short Valentine message for the nursing homes. Each dancer will do 5. TLs have the sentence you are to write and will... Read more »

JrCo 2.6 Rehearsal

Attire: Dress code BLUE, black Jz pants, black Jz shoes, high pony, no jewelry except studs. Warm up Studio D, *bring socks for HH shoes. PERFORMANCE: Feb 7 - Choreographers Workshop -If you are a dancer in a student workshop piece, follow Miss Terri’s itinerary. -Additional JrCo members itinerary is as follows: Arrive at CC... Read more »

Mon Class Make up

Tonight is the Monday night make up for classes cancelled Jan 27 due to Miss Katie and Miss Michelle's illness. ONLY Miss Katie and Miss Michelle's Monday night classes will make up tonight. All classes will meet at their regularly scheduled time. Thank you!

Wedn Class Makeup

Today is the Wednesday night make up for classes cancelled Jan 29 due to Miss Michelle's illness. ONLY Miss Michelle's Wednesday night classes will make up today. All classes will meet at the following times: 9:00-10:00a (Int mod  10:00-11:00a (Int/Adv MT 11a-12:15p (Adv Jz Thank you!

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