SrCo 10.26 DRESS Rehearsal

Butler Men's Halftime performance is next week!!!! Please buy tics for your dancer (at least) if haven't already done so. 7:15p - parents welcome to review itinerary in Studio A or stop by desk if have questions. See email or web calendar Nov 1 for itinerary. Attire: Dress code BLACK, center part slick low bun,... Read more »

JrCo 10.26 DRESS Rehearsal

Tonight is a DRESS REHEARSAL for the Butler game. Attire: tan tights, skin tone undergarments, black jazz shoes, red leo, black jazz pants, hair slick high pony, no jewelry at all. No make up for this rehearsal. Costumes will be at the studio. *Please bring a labeled garment bag to take your items home. Rehearsal... Read more »

Nut 10.28 DRESS Rehearsal

This weekend's DRESS rehearsal is only for ACT II, but all of the show will be rehearsed. We will go out of order to release certain dancers earlier than others. All dancers must be in ballet dress code when not in costume. "Dress rehearsal" means: hair, tights, shoes should be PERFORMANCE ready. Arrive with your... Read more »

Trunk or Treat

Curtain Call Dance Center 1833 Expo Ln., Indianapolis, IL, United States


Come cheer on the Butler Bulldogs Men's Basketball team and be entertained by CC's Performing Companies during an energetic and memorable halftime performance! Tip off 7p Dancer call time 6p. Know Before You Go Gameday Link - details parking options/drop off, clear bag policy, etc - KnowBeforeYouGo ( Attachment: Butler ItineraryRVSD_23

SrCo 11.2 Rehearsal

Attire: Dress code RED - Black pants, red leo, skin tone/pink tights for ballet, black jazz shoes. ER-all black. Any slick, secured low pony. No jewelry except studs. Bring all shoes including character, ballet, pointe, tap per pieces rehearsed. The following holiday shoes: Character - JnglBlls, WWndrlnd, JoyWrld Tan Jz - NeedXmas, DeckRftp, SlghRd, PlsComeHm... Read more »

JrCo 11.2 Rehearsal

Attire: Dress Code RED: black pants, red leo, black jazz shoes, high slick pony, no jewelry except studs. Finish Jingle Bell Rock Try on MusTh Boots

Nut 11.4 DRESS Rehearsal

Remember: Timeliness! Hygiene! Buns! Hairnets are required for pictures, rehearsals and show. Link to very helpful bun making tutorial; shows hair types that are long, shorter, layered, curly, etc. - Hair needs to be slick with gel and hairspray, use extra barrettes as needed. No bangs allowed. BRING with you additional fasteners, hairspray, etc. *Check dance... Read more »

Pictures: NUT, PC, Apprentices

Curtain Call Dance Center 1833 Expo Ln., Indianapolis, IL, United States

Bring hair and make up items to refresh after Dress Rehearsals. Bring lunch *NO LEAVING THE BUILDING, PLEASE. Parents of dancers under age 9 can come in and eat with them if want. All eating in front lobby, hallway. Schedule: Nut.PicSchedNEW_23