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SrCo 3.20 Rehearsal

Attire: Wear your Favorite Spring Colors in tight fitting danceable clothes; tights for ballet/pointe, black jazz pants for all other genre, any slick low bun, no jewelry except studs. We might have to swap rooms often-keep items tidy and move quickly with silent transition in hallways. *COSTUMES: Gravity and Encounters Bring: all shoes, water bottle,... Read more »

JrCo 3.20 Rehearsal

Attire: Wear your FAVORITE SPRING COLORS; form fitting/danceable attire. Bring all shoes and water bottle; high pony, no jewelry except studs. 6:30-7:00 Studio D w Miss Michelle and Miss Stella to learn Finale! 7:00-8:00 Grand Adventure, My Own Drum, Baby I'm A Star *next week: Happy Spring Break - be safe!