Attire: dance wear and accessories in TEAM COLORS, any slick bun, tights for ballet/pnts for jazz, mus th. No jewelry except studs.
*ONE – must wear character shoes for all rehearsals.
5:00-5:15 (MT-Studio A) warm up – all dancers with 5:15 rehearsal
5:15-6:15 (MT-Studio A) Le Spectre – PMP
6:15-7:15 (MT-Studio A) Dog Days – review and improve
7:15-7:45 (MT-Studio A) Atlantis – PMP
7:45-8:15 (A) show all dances in this order: Le Spectre/ Diamonds/ Atlantis/ Hero/ Think/ Dog Days Are Over; TEAM Time, Chaplain: January
8:15-9:00 (MT-Studio A) One – review new forms, perfect timing, spacing and choreo