Check out from hotel is 11a, strongly recommend checking out before perform or be fully packed. It is high season and they are unlikely to extend stay.
PO – what to wear as arrive, what to bring
SrCo – Eggplant leo, tan tights, PC black Jz pants, sneakers – preferably black or dark as possible, left side part low pony, earrings, light Perf makeup/ heavy lashes and lips.
JrCo –
Ladies – eggplant leo, tan tights, dress or main portion of One Short Day costume over leo, sneakers – preferably black or dark as possible, slick high pony, light Perf makeup.
ER– black undergarment, black Jz pants, black socks, sneakers – preferably black or dark as possible, One Short Day coat/items over undrgrmnt worn w black pants (not green)
Bring: PC jacket *and all costume items listed below by dance:
1-River Deep, Mountain High [gold/silver unitard – remove jz pants, wear unitard over leo]
2-One Short Day [dress/coat/pants/main portion of green costume over leo/undergrmt, head pieces]
3-Think [black/purple costume over leo]
4-Hero [red costume over leo]
5-Coat of Many Colors [dress over leo, bring coat as prop/ER-shirt over undergarment, black jz pants]
6-Dog Days Are Over [blue dress – over leo *Sunflower from Miss Michelle]
7-The Black Pearl [top worn over leo with blk jz pants]
8-Around the World [dress over leo/ER-shirt over undergarment]
9-One *only Part 2 re-entering on music [River Deep gold/silver unitard over leo – *hats from Miss Michelle]
10-Finale [SrCo: River Deep gold/silver unitard over leo/ JrCo: Around the World over leo/undrgrmnt]